Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Hate Countrywide Mortgage...and So Should You

I cannot deal with Countrywide Mortgage one more time. Not the snarky idiots who call my house asking for my husband, refusing to talk with me and tell me what they want, why they're calling and why I need a penis to answer their questions. Not the second-rung idiot who explains that my name isn't on the mortgage despite the fact that we've sent FOUR authorization letters but proceeds to give me a lecture on the difference between the house deed and the mortgage. (Buddy, trust me. If I can afford this house, I understand the difference.) Not the manager (of what, I ask you???) who, voice dripping in faux-helpfulness, tells me that our automatic withdrawl isn't set up no matter what the website shows, that a July 7 withdrawl isn't really a July 7 withdrawl because they didn't withdrawl the money. I'm sorry, what? Can we have a meeting here on Planet Earth? Take my money, you idiots. Why would Bank of America buy this company? Why can't BOA assume my mortgage and give me a human being to talk with, meet with, shake hands with? Hello. failure of American economy. Shake hands with Countrywide.

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